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Tuesday, October 22, 2024


The Georgia Baptist Association was organized in 1784 by five churches, Kiokee, Fishing Creek, Upton's Creek (Greenwood), Red's Creek (Abilene) and Little Briar Creek. The first Missionary Conference met in the Georgia Association in 1801. This was the forerunner to The Mission Board of the Georgia Baptist Association that began in 1815 to "evangelize the poor heathen in idolatrous lands". The General Baptist Association for the State of Georgia was organized in the Georgia Association in 1822. Sabbath Schools were begun in the Georgia Association in 1819 and in 1828 the Georgia Association messengers were encouraged to begin Sabbath Schools in all houses of worship. The Georgia Association had 60 delegates to the organizational meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1945. Georgia Association member and Governor, Honorable Wilson Lumpkin presided over the opening meeting. First Baptist Church of Washington was the birthplace of Vacation Bible School. Click on the link above for a PowerPoint presentation of the history.